You are and always will be the number ONE guy in my life. Happy Birthday baba!!
I wanted to right this here only but then I thought my dad will never read it since he doesn't know anything about this blog. I decided to send an email to him. I don't know what is wrong with me with expressing my feelings. I have never said anything like this to either him or to my mom. I know they know I love them but I have never told them.
Mine do not and I learned from them ...
این پست رو دیر دیدم .بهش بگو چقدر دوستش داری من این فرصت رو از دست دادم و همیشه افسوس می خورم درسته که والدین ما از این حس ّ ِ ما آگاه هستن ولی گفتنش و ابرازش یه چیز دیگه هست .برای اونها و همچنین خودت بهترین ارزو ها رو دارم