Happy Halloween

Today I saw the most awesome customs around the campus. But I didn't have my camera with me because I forgot to recharge my batteries. I'm not very happy with myself at this moment.

Anyway, this is our small collection of carved pumpkins for this year Halloween. Do not be confused by watermelon and squash. Some of my friends do not like pumpkin.

The snowman pumpkin is my design.


Nazy said…
Happy Halloween sweet Daisy! Your pumpkin is the best! I, too, forgot to take my camera with me today and kicked myself for it all day, but I made up for it tonight! I hope you have had a good October, and Happy November to you!
Niloufar said…
Happy November :) (It's to late to say happy halloween)
Daisy said…
Nazy jan, thanks for the complement. I know I could have worked more on my pumpkin but I was out of energy. Hopefully next year I'll spend more time on a new design.
Happy November to you too!
Daisy said…
Nilofar jan, thanks for visiting me. I have to say that it is never too late tell me happy Halloween because I love Halloween. it's always good to remind people of what they love :)

Anyway happy November to you too.

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