Google Reader

If I say it is devastating that Google Reader is being discontinued, I am not exaggerating.


Anonymous said…
There seem to be a few alternative services, such as Feedly, though it's doubtful if there would be an exact replacement anytime soon. Here's a relevant bit of news:

Daisy said…
Thanks for letting me know about Feedly! I am thinking of switching to it or gReader
radius said…
Hi Daisy, it seems you are not alone with your Google Reader nostalgia. Have a look at this article at The New Yorker
( by Joshua Rothman. I did not used Google Reader myself, but from this article it seems that one could develop a rather personal relationship to it. The sudden inactivation by Google should also warn me that maybe they do the same one day with blogger. Maybe we should all prepare local back-ups of our digital contents, ideally on paper or, even better, on clay-plates with cuneiform letters.
In general, I am always impressed by all the innovations that come from Google. But after a while you can see that innovations which don't produce income for them (i.e. which are low on Google ads, like Reader or iGoogle, are suddenly discontinued. I hope you'll find a replacement for Reader. iGoogle, which I was using since years as a browser start page, will also finish operation in November this year. Their suggested remedy for iGoogle user was to switch altogether to the Google Chrome browser (or in the near future to the Google OS), since they have similar features.
best greetings
Daisy said…
I guess it always comes to the money. It is really disappointing that Google had to do this.
I was thinking about the blogger too and what if they decide to discontinue that too....
radius said…
Its worth to remember that you can always make a complete backup of your blog. On your blogger-page, look at the left hand menue->Settings->Other->Blog Tools->Export Blog. The blog.xml file you can for instance store on a microSD card the size of a finger nail, and if you want keep it safe in a tiny silver heart (or a leaf or a star) to wear on a silver chain around your neck ;-}

Happy Norooz, good luck for you and hope for a happy, free and prosperous Iran.
Daisy said…
Thank you very much! i have to do this as soon as possible.

Happy Spring to you! :))

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