زندگی - Life
زندگی یعنی چه ؟
روزی از گلی پرسیدم : زندگی یعنی چه ؟
گفت زندگی چیزنیست جز بوی خوش و عطر من
از سنگی پرسیدم زندگی یعنی چه ؟
گفت : زندگی چیزی نیست جز استواری و قدرت من
از رودخانه ای پرسیدم زندگی یعنی چه ؟
گفت زندگی چیزی نیست جز طراوت و پاکی من
از انسانی پرسیدم زندگی یعنی چه؟
گفت زندگی چیزی نیست جز مهر و محبت درون من.
زندگی هنر بافتن پارچه زیبایی است
- زندگی دوختن شا دیهاست
و به تن کردن پیراهن گلدار امید.
مجتبی کاشانی
I had this post written on May 2010 but I never clicked publish!
and this is a sort of translation of this poem:
What is life?
Once a flower was asked: What is life?
She said: life is nothing but my fragrances and perfumes
A stone was asked: what is life?
He said: life is nothing but my solidity and strength
A river was asked: what is life?
He said: life is nothing but my freshness and purity
A human was asked: What is Life?
He said: life is nothing but the love and kindness in me.
Life is a beautiful art of weaving a cloth
Life is sewing the happiness scarf
And wearing the floral shirt of hope
Mojtaba Kashani
روزی از گلی پرسیدم : زندگی یعنی چه ؟
گفت زندگی چیزنیست جز بوی خوش و عطر من
از سنگی پرسیدم زندگی یعنی چه ؟
گفت : زندگی چیزی نیست جز استواری و قدرت من
از رودخانه ای پرسیدم زندگی یعنی چه ؟
گفت زندگی چیزی نیست جز طراوت و پاکی من
از انسانی پرسیدم زندگی یعنی چه؟
گفت زندگی چیزی نیست جز مهر و محبت درون من.
زندگی هنر بافتن پارچه زیبایی است
- زندگی دوختن شا دیهاست
و به تن کردن پیراهن گلدار امید.
مجتبی کاشانی
I had this post written on May 2010 but I never clicked publish!
and this is a sort of translation of this poem:
What is life?
Once a flower was asked: What is life?
She said: life is nothing but my fragrances and perfumes
A stone was asked: what is life?
He said: life is nothing but my solidity and strength
A river was asked: what is life?
He said: life is nothing but my freshness and purity
A human was asked: What is Life?
He said: life is nothing but the love and kindness in me.
Life is a beautiful art of weaving a cloth
Life is sewing the happiness scarf
And wearing the floral shirt of hope
Mojtaba Kashani
And human, at least if one follows political correctness, should be ambiguous ("He/She"). Even if I risk myself to be considered boring asking such formal issues, but I am myself too often undecided what is the proper gender for the english nouns.
For sure, the poem would loose its flavour, if the flower and the stone would be "abbreviated" as IT. Too bad that W.Shakespeare is not reading you blog. I guess he would have known the best answer.
best ragards, Michael
a gently blowing summer wind, this will be a SHE, but if it is about a horrible thunderstorm, this must be a HE.
A nice, colourful, delicate and well-smelling flower will most likely be assigned a female gender. But if the poem is about a carnovourous plant, ugly looking and nastly smelling, it would be more appropriate to assigned it a male gender.
Unless, of course, an american trash musical like "Little Shop of Horrors" introduces a man-eating nasty plant and calls it "Audrey II" (where - I guess - this conflict between expectation and reality is crucial for its humor).
There are some fixed cases of assigned gender: The Sea is always male, whereas ships are always female. In contrast to German, where the Sea is female (but the Ocean is male (?), and ships are neutral.
So british poetry, like the british character in general, takes a very pragmatic position, in contrast to German, which you have to follow the rules of grammar, and where it does not matter whether you write a sonett or a car damage report.
best regards, Michael