Happy Persian New Year, Sal-e noe mobarak! I set my 7-seen table finally this morning. I want everyone to notice my happy mug which contains some wheat cat grass. The one I try to make from lentil, didn't turn out very well since I remembered to start doing it 10 days ago. The weather today was surprisingly amazing. I received some chocolate as eidi (which was a nice surprise too and from someone whom I was trying to be mad at), played squashed with some friends, then went swimming. As I was swimming in the quiet pool, I started thinking that I should be very grateful for this nice facility on campus and should take more advantage of it. I was happy but by the end of the day, I couldn't help it wonder about some stuff in my life. More thinking and analyzing does not help either; Some cry does though. At least I feel better now. I am just worried that I am on the wrong track. I wish everyone a wonderful year ahead. I usually don't right anything here in Farsi but I really
Lotus, you are a wise man, very wise.. Thank you :)