Laughing Without an Accent

When I started reading "Laughing Without an Accent", I felt that this book is not as strong as the first one, Funny in Farsi. As I continue reading more, I realized that Firoozeh Dumas is truly a gifted author and this book is as good as the first one she wrote. Below is a paragraph from her book. 

"In prerevolutionary Iran, every student had to memorize at least one of the poems of the beloved Saadi, a poet from the 13 century. One of Saadi’s most famous poems, about shared humanity, is carved in the entrance of the Hall of Nations in the United Nations building in New York. When a poem from the strife-filled 13 century is equally relevant in the strife-filled twenty-first century, one wonders if we really are as gifted a species as we think we are. Sure, we’ve invented huge metal objects that can fly, or sit on runways for hours, and yes, doctors can give one person’s still beating heart to another, and we have endless products to make straight hair curly and curly hair straight, but we still don’t know how to get along. Perhaps Starbucks should start printing Saadi’s poem on its cups, thus spreading the concepts, with every shot of espresso sold around the world, that our commonalities far outweigh our differences."
Page 56, Laughing Without an Accent by Firoozeh Dumas


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