Research idea!

I'm not sure if this study has been done but it would be a nice idea to do a cultural study based on people's status updates on facebook. If we considered normal circumstance (e.g. without any political movement), so far what I have been seeing from my Iranian and non-Iranian friends is a bit different. While Iranians talk more about love and provide pieces of advice (mostly in the form of poetry), non-Iranians write more about their current life situations. I know it is not correct to generalize but this was the feeling I got.


linus said…
Honey they are writing about their current situation with the magic of poetry!

Take me as an example! When I write "dokhtare mardom pakaram karde! emsaal az har saal asheghtaram karde!" That's exactly my current situation :D migi na az pari bepors!
کیوسک said…
Probably most of your non-Iranian friends are from developed country and because in their culture internet and particularly blog is a popular place which they can write about their ordinary events, it is not strange to anticipate to illustrate ordinary events and not only love, but in Iranian culture blog is like a secrete place which is hidden and mainly blog owners doesn't introduce themselves, So they write about things that they do not talk about in ordinary life with their friends specially love.
sorry for lack of ability to express idea in foreign language and consequently aggressive comment ;)
Daisy said…
I didn't find your comment aggressive at all and thanks for sharing your point of view.

Most of my non-Iranian friends on FB are Canadian and you would be surprised to know that most Canadians take their privacy very seriously. There are some of my very close friends that even don’t have facebook account only for this reason. I will try to write about a case, that I encounter, which shows the importance of privacy issues for Canadians and difference between Canadians and Americans in a future post.

So I guess they are not that different from Iranins when it comes to privacy.

On a different note, you might find this article interesting to read . You can skip to the summary. I know it is from 2006 and could be out dated but it was interesting for me to know that Iranians are way ahead of others when it comes to blogging.

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