Fear of ageing

Why do most women avoid telling their real age and most men don’t? I am a woman but I can’t figure out the answer to this question. Not telling your real age doesn't make you any younger. I am sure not everyone really enjoy getting old but why are women so sensitive about their age??


linus said…
I guess it was a courageous post! btw let us know the answer, if found any.
Anonymous said…
I have the very question in my mind!!! and I am not that kind of woman who tries her best not to tell the others her real age!
Perhaps it's because of lacking self confidence; most of women depend on their appearance a lot and they assume the older they get, the less they are wanted!
Generally, it's not the problem of those women who relies on something more precious inside themselves rather than their appearance...
Daisy said…
I hope I get more opinion and comments on this topic. Then, we can have a better idea.
Daisy said…
Parinaz jan, thanks for your comment. Although I'm much older than you are but I'm afraid you and I might be accused of being too young to understand this issue. I believe I'll never change my mind about this issue. I'm saying that because I've the same feeling when it comes to the cosmetic surgery as well. I've been always against it for two reasons. First, although beauty is a blessing, it can be very subjective and second, it takes more than good looks to be successful...
you take care.
Daisy said…
Also, I think the society and media can have a huge influence on some people.

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