The 2009 list
I was debating with myself on what to write as my first post in 2009. If I wanted to write about my current mood and what was exactly going on with me, it would have been too depressing. Since I am not intended to depress anyone and I am hopeful that everything will be okay in the near future, I have decided to share something about my 2009 list that I finally finished writing it last night.
Number 18 in my list is “to go scuba-diving and snorkelling at least once in my life” and number 19 is “to write my blog more regularly”. The rest of it is more personal or about all the places I want to travel one day which I won’t bored you with details.
Shaad ziid
I wish you all the best Daisy jan!
You forgot to list sharks;)
Parinaz jan, I hope so too and thanks for the nice wishes.
Sharks can be handled easily... Just make bubbles and they may leave you alone! If it comes closer try to attack their very soft and vulnerable beneath's skin!!!
Shobeir the shark Shooter :p