By living with others, you get to know yourself better. I am who I am and I don't want to change some stuff about myself. I like myself for those qualities that some people think they can never find in others.
I can't wait for the holidays to begin!
That's why I sometimes hate people...
They do not try to love all of you; your entire being...
I remember I've told someone that I like a package whenever I assert I like a person.
I believe in some of my characteristics and traits that construct an entity called shobeir but I myself try to modify and edit the entity...
Normally annually I ask my friends what they think about me.. I ask them to criticize me and then I think and work on them I may change some or let some of my traits unaltered but I guess its always good to get feedback from others...All in all who cares about "they"!
So,,, good for you and hold on to those friends.