The Weekend

My eventful weekend is ended. I had a lot of fun by seeing my sister again. Also discovering, she was reading my blog all this time and I didn't have any clue. I'm happy that I didn't write anything against her here :)
The most interesting thing about this weekend was the Chinese New Year celebration and watching the Dragon Parade. I need to do some serious research on that- how Chinese people celebrate the New Year and what all those ceremonies symbolize the start of a new year. However, I won't get to this for now because I have a very busy week a head of me.

Vancouver, the City of Glass, February 2008-I can 't get any credit for this picture because it wasn't I who took it.


Nazy said…
Gorgeous picture, just the same, Daisy Jan. Congratulations on your sister's wedding! How fabulous. Did you do the sugar cone thing? (reading this bit, it sounds a bit kinky! But you know what I mean. Right?!)

Be happy and hamisheh be aroosi azizam.
Anonymous said…
dear dazy
I haven't found u'r email in u'r weblog...
allow me to thank you for the clip :-)
I get the message...
Tnx for guiding me :D
btw don't u think we should have hunger day too ?
Anonymous said…
i meant daisy :D
Daisy said…
Dear Shobeir jan,

I didn't know where to leave you this message since I don't know where your blog is. I hope you see this message. I'm glad you find the clip useful. It was not the matter of guiding, just a personal opinion.

As for the hunger day, good point!!

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