
Showing posts from February, 2012
I recieved this poem in my inbox and I just loved it. The English translation is not as good as the orginal Farsi but still good to share. در جواب ِ دخترم که پرسيد: چرا مرا به دنيا آوردي؟ زيرا سال‌هاي جنگ بود و من نيازمند ِ عشق بودم براي  چشيدن ِطعم  آرامش . زيرا بالاي سي سال داشتم و مي ترسيدم از پژمردن پيش از شکفتن و غنچه دادن . زيرا طلاق واژه اي ست تنها براي مرد و زن نه براي مادر و فرزند . زيرا تو هرگز نمي‌تواني بگويي : مادر ِ سابق ِ من حتي وقتي جنازه‌ام را تشييع مي کني . و هيج چيز، هيچ چيز در اين دنيا نمي تواند ميان ِ مادر و فرزند جدايي افکند نفرت يا مرگ حتي . و تو بيزاري از من زيرا تو را به دنيا آورد ه ام تنها به خاطر ِ ترسم از تنها ماندن و هرگز مرا نخواهي بخشيد تا  زماني که خود فرزندي به دنيا آوري ناتوان از تاب آوردن ِ خاکستر ِ سوزان ِ روياهاو آرزوهاي دور و درازت فریده حسن‌زاده In Answer to My Daughter :  Why Did You Bring Me Into Existence? Because it was wartime and I needed lovemaking to ta...

How to Play Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock!

from here .

Grateful for:

Home-made sushi, home-made fire, and a good company.

Shawn Achor in TED TALK: The happy secret to better work

I encourage everyone to watch this video. The speaker is very funny and the content is very interesting; however, he speaks too fast. Anyway, I am thinking of trying this. I really need to change the way I think. I want to be happy.

The Meaning of Love

I'm going through the posts I left as draft and never published. This is on of the. It is beautiful poem by Rumi. I'm not sure where first I read it. Both light and shadow are the dance of Love. Love has no cause; it is the astrolabe of God’s secrets. Lover and Loving are inseparable and timeless. Although I may try to describe Love when I experience it I am speechless. Although I may try to write about Love I am rendered helpless; my pen breaks and the paper slips away at the ineffable place where Lover, Loving and Loved are one. Every moment is made glorious by the light of Love. from Rumi Love Poems

Heart vs. Brain

Part of me says “enjoy the moment”, the other part says “be realistic”. I don’t know who I should listen to.
It is time for posting something fun!!!  I was amused by this video. LOL! It is a bit exaggerated but fun to watch and we can always learn one or two things from it. To women out there: 1. never underestimate your power ;) 2. make sure your best friend and you like different types of men ;)