
Showing posts from January, 2008

The magic of mother-tongue

Holiday memoirs, part I, Jan 7th 2008 What is it about the mother tongue that no matter how fluent you are in another language, it's not your mother language. Thus, it doesn't have that same effects on you as your first language. Nothing can substitute your first language. I do miss Farsi more than I miss Iran itself. I remember a time when a car pulled over to ask me a direction. When we both realized we were Iranian, I gave him the direction in Farsi. It was such a wonderful feeling- talking to a random person in Farsi. Even songs and music have different essence when they are in Farsi. Having said that, it reminded me my trip back from Montreal. My flight was 2 hours delayed because of the weather condition. There it was a heavy fog in Montreal in January. As soon as the plane took off, we experienced some heavy turbulence which continued through out the flight. I didn't mind; these sorts of things barely affect me. But that wasn't the case with my fellow passe...

The first blossom

Holiday memoirs, part I, Dec 23 rd 2007 The Azalea finally bloomed in the middle of the winter. To be honest, when I was changing its flower pot last summer, I never thought it would make any difference and the poor plant would come back to life. But here there are buds of joy. I hope it flowers until “aide Norooz”.

A promise

I've become a stranger to my own blog. Such a shame :( I promise myself to do better from now on and post more often, no matter how busy it gets. This blog is important to me.
Happy New Year! Hope it'll be better than 2007 for my family, relatives, my friends, and myself. These are some interesting e-cards which I found in the Facebook.